The present book, by taking a full advantage of the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, selects forty verses related to the subject of Mahdism; and according to the authentic Hadiths, offers a brief analysis of each verse and describes its relationship with Imam Mahdi. Following each verse, the book also presents some related points in the form of messages to the readers.
It should also be noted that the verses of the Quran have general meanings and are not limited to some specific cases. Therefore, if a narration explains a verse in a way that is related to Imam al-Mahdi, it just points to the best or one of the best examples of it and never harms the generality of the verse. The verses of the Quran, as the commentators of the Quran believe, have many layers without any contradiction existing between them. As a result, these narrations sometimes point to a deeper layer of a verse without contradicting its apparent meaning or limiting its generality.
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